Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Off to Yamhill

Ahh, it's that time of year again. This Sunday (Saturday for the Sibleys), many of us will be headed out to Yamhill, OR for another year of Senior Teen Camp. Camp has always been one of my favorite events because it's one of the few times you have an entire week to spend with people. Some of my fondest memories come from my time spent at camp. It's just one of those things I believe all teens should experience at least once. In my case, camp was a major turning point in a my spiritual journey. I know I'm not the only one. It definitely provides an environment where you can focus your attention solely on God and relationships with others. There are people that I keep in contact with to this day that I met while I was at camp. Many of you have that same experience. I love the worship times, the encounters, meadowtime, hot seat, etc. The list just goes on and on. What do you love most about camp? Are there any fun, embarrassing or interesting stories that you could share. I know I'd love to hear them. Take some time and tell everyone why camp is so special to you.

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